Saturday, December 15, 2012


I think anyone who is a parent, grandparent, brother or sister is grieving  today over the tragedy that happened on December 14th at Sandy Hook Elementary School. As a parent you automatically think that could have been my child. A life so full of energy and promise snuffed out too soon. 20 Children that will not go on to experience first loves, college or have kids of their own.
Last night I came home from an emotionally exhausting day and I got hug my children. I got to hold them tight and be thankful for everything they are.  The tantrums and petty things we normally would argue over seemed so unimportant in the wake of such events. Yesterday was a cruel reminder that everyday could be our last.We need to live it to the fullest, be thankful for the blessings we do have and pray to over come what we do not.

Say a prayer for those families who lost someone yesterday. May God ease their pain in some way during this difficult time in their lives. Take a moment to thank God for the ones that you do have in your life and make sure they know how much you love them.