I'm a mom of 3, photographer and recreational runner. I'm currently training for my first marathon and this is where I share my trials, tribulations and successes.
Miss C is valedictorian of her class this year and you know what she gets when she comes to have her pictures made???? Me dragging her through the mud. Another lucky weekend with the weather, especially since the weatherman kept telling me it was going rain all weekend through. So even though it was muddy we still managed to get some great outside pictures for this lovely lady.
T is a new big brother and proud of it. He happens to be the big brother to baby girl C from my previous post. We lucked out on the weather this day and were able take the kiddos outside to grab a few pics out in the grass before the rain hit.
There were tears shed and injuries received during this set of photos. I think I may have to give it another go next weekend. My guys are still flippin cute though :-)